Monday, June 6, 2011

looking ahead and Bible Story reading

I am really looking forward to September when I'll be starting pre-school with Little Miss and Little Mr. I haven't yet decided exactly how it will look. I do know that I'm interested in pursuing some of the ideas found on this WEBSITE, visiting the Botanical Gardens on a weekly basis, taking the kids on a field trip once or twice a month and reading, reading and reading some more!

As a family we having been reading the book, The Child's Story Bible by Catherine Vos in the evenings before bed. It has been fun to watch the lights go on in my children's mind as the stories of the Bible come to life for them. Chris and I have been enjoying reading it too ... it's one of the most well done story Bible's I have come across. I love that the stories are not watered down in any way ... just re-told so that young minds can comprehend them!