Sunday, September 11, 2011

first week of school accomplished

It's Sunday night and I'll be starting a new week tomorrow for school but wanted to give an update on how the rest of our week went last week.  On Wednesday we played with water!  Elizabeth and Josiah transferred water from a tub into measuring cups with various items ... medicine droppers, scoopers, small measuring cups and teaspoons.  They watched things float (plastic egg) and sink (marbles). We also put bubbles with food coloring into the water and swirled it all around.  I got my ideas using the Montessori at Home ebook by John Bowman.

 Having fun scooping the water
 scooping up marbles with a teaspoon ... great for hand-eye coordination

Here is Josiah picking out his "fishes" (marbles)

On Thursday we did a bit of math ... I had Elizabeth get more familiar with shapes by using the Melissa and Doug Shape Sorting Box!  She is learning parallelogram, octagon, hexagon and pentagon.  Then we went to the library and read lots of books together and with friends.

On Friday we cleaned the house in the morning and then Elizabeth and I went to meet up with a co-op group that a fellow homeschooling friend of mind started.  We will be meeting every Friday afternoon for 2 hours for us to spend some time in fellowship and for the kids to spend some time playing!  We are using the curriculum, 5 in a row for 4 - 8 year olds.  The children enjoyed their first lesson!

This Saturday Elizabeth asked to do a project so I grabbed the rice and bean box that I had made for them along with a the tweezers and they had fun picking the small items up, looking at them with their magnifying glasses.  Then they got out  their own toys and buried them in the rice!